Andrea, Mike, Jess or Angie.. who will eat the most? Guess on our Facebook Page!
Get ready for 9news now morning show first.
An all out, forks up, chow down, burger battle between the anchors. Tomorrow on the show Andrea aka “Petite Appetite”, Mike “The Mouth” Hydeck, Jessica or “Doyle the Devourer” and All-You-Can-Eat Angie will face off in a burger eating contest.
It’s our preliminary to DC’s annual Burger Eating Championship hosted by the Tenleytown’s Z burger on July 1st.
Who will walk away top burger bragging rights.. tell us on our Facebook Page.
Annual Burger Eating Championship
Friday July 1st at 12:30PM
4321 Wisconsin Ave., NW DC
Last year’s record was 23 burgers in 10 minutes. Spectators are encouraged to come and cheer on the contestants and will be treated with American-themed food samples, a free burger, and a show that is sure to please.